Acupuncture Awareness Week is upon us once again, and this year’s focus will be on back pain, a common ailment that affects most people at some time in their lives.

A recent survey of 5,000 adults around the country carried out by the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) revealed that 76% of adults have suffered from back pain in the past, and a significant number of people (40%) have recurring back pain issues, with 48% reporting that back pain has curtailed their physical activities.

The vast majority of people (70%) reported taking painkillers or prescription drugs to deal with their back pain and discomfort. But I think it’s appropriate to mention that the use of painkillers deals with the symptoms but not the root problem.

Acupuncture can be a very effective treatment for back pain because it treats the symptoms as well as the root cause. Endorsed by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, Acupuncture is an effective treatment for lower back pain.

So how can traditional acupuncture help your back pain?

Just to inform you, a traditional acupuncturist will first always take a detailed case history including a full medical history. The acupuncture treatment will be aimed at the root cause as well as the main symptoms. This approach will aid with resolving the problems enhances your general feeling of wellbeing.

Acupuncture can help you to relieve muscle spasm, reduces inflation and provides long-term pain relief by identifying and treating the root of the problem. Patients often report that other niggling health problems resolve as the main complaint improves.

Acupuncture Treatment isn’t just about needles and massage, but it’s also about identifying what you as a patient can do to help yourselves, for example with a lifestyle change, diet and exercise.

Acupuncture is a very holistic approach to dealing with back pain. So if you suffer from back pain and would like to learn more about what acupuncture can do for you, please feel free to get in touch.